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Terms of Use

By engaging in this website along with its component photo galleries - not to be limited to the outside utilization of the photographs, products, and services of natnatinc services, you agree to uphold the following standards and behaviour.

Chapter I: Definition of Terms
Chapter II: Elaboration

These are the following terms used and referred to by the website developer and producer:


refers to all users or customers of the products and services of natnatinc services. 


refers to any or all people shown, stipulated, or otherwise concerned in any or all products and services of natnatinc services.


refers to all data concerned in any or all of the products and services of natnatinc services.


refers to the products and services offered by natnatinc services. This includes this website, its adjacent photo galleries, and other multimedia of its possession. 


refers to the proper modesty and etiquette of usage in any of the products and services of natnatinc services.


refers to the sharing, downloading, interacting, or using of any or all of the products and services of natnatinc services.


Users must practise respect in any and all engagements.


Users must not use any media to disrespect, defile, or otherwise give or denote harm to any subject.

Users must not use any data to disrespect, defile or otherwise give or denote harm to any subject.


Users must patch all removal requests directly to the Developer.

Users must only request a removal for: discomfort, inappropriate media; or abused media.

Users must acknowledge that most of the media are in the possession of natnatinc services and its subordinates, affiliations, and associations. 

Users are encouraged  to credit natnatinc services and its subordinates when sharing or otherwise showcasing its media to the public.

Users must not share the links of the separate Google Photo galleries or albums. 


refers to the administrators of any or all of the products and services of natnatinc services.

Chapter III: Execution and Effectivity

Users should meticulously conform to the thereof mentioned.

Should a user in any form violate these, he or she is to be subjected for boycott or to be unable to engage as a user, be it at all one.


The Developer and  its properties waive and relinquish any legal liability, shall the aforementioned provisions be proven breached by a user. 
Report any abhorrent, suspicious, malicious, or otherwise unacceptable behaviour to Developers.

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